Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Finishing Well

Today is December 28, 2011 and I want to finish this year WELL.  I weighed first thing this morning and the scale in the bathroom said 239.  The wii fit said 240.5 after a cup of coffee.  Either way it's moving downward once again and for that I am grateful.  I am going to work out today with Leslie and hope to have an extra session on Friday.  I want to finish this year well and set myself up for success in 2012.  I pray anyone reading this had a blessed Christmas and will continue to feel His presence in the last few days of this year. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Victory Looks Good on Me!!!

I had a truly remarkable and glorious weekend.  It's one that I want to journal so I can go back to this time for encouragement in days to come. 

Saturday Nathan took me to Belk and bought me a NEW OUTFIT!  A beautiful pair of gray/black dress pants (2 sizes smaller I might add) and an eye popping red sweater with a dramatic neckline (once again 2 sizes smaller).  Both pieces were on sale and we even looked at shoes, but just couldn't find the right pair.  I was so blessed and honestly felt beautiful.  Nathan's eyes lit up when I came out of the dressing room.  He was the one that suggested I get the smaller size in the sweater.  I was blessed by his encouragement, love and support.  After our shopping trip we went to eat at Pomodoro's S. with Mandy and Jamie Dunham.  We had a GREAT time, a lovely meal (that didn't bother my tummy..YEAH), and a blessed time of sharing.  After that we wisked away to make it to Biltmore Baptist Church for the annual Carolina Mountain Christmas Spectacular.  It was just that "spectacular".  It was different from anything I've seen or heard before.  I was especially impressed with the orchestra.  They did a fabulous job.  We came home to an EMPTY house (thanks to the Barker family) and watched an episode of 24. 

After sleeping a little bit later on Sunday morning I got up, put on my new outfit and got ready for church.  We decided to attend Bethel Baptist (my in-law's church).  Boy am I glad we did!  My father-in-law did a fablous job as the narrator and the sweet, little choir presented the Christmas story in a clear, precious, uncluttered way.  Afterwards we joined our family for lunch and had a great time.  When we arrived home I REALLY wanted a nap.  However, I put my workout clothes on and took my bootie up to Montreat.  I walked the Gate/Elizabeth's path and then up Texas Rd. and around Lake Susan.  On the way back to the truck I jogged almost 3/4 mile.  I was SOOOO pleased.  I couldn't believe I was capable of all that.  Not my best time in the world, but I logged 2.5 miles in 49 minutes.  Everyday I'm getting stronger.  It's exciting and humbling all at the same time.  LIFE group was after that.  I didn't feel tempted to overeat and I had the opportunity to share what a spiritual battle/journey this weight loss is.  I felt loved, supported and prayed for by my sweet faith family.  I am choosing moment by moment to submit and surrender my will to Christ's care and control and to humble myself to allow God to change me.  WOW!  It's tough, but oh so good.

Today I went for my regular Monday/Wednesday class with Leslie Raper and my girls (Sue and Angie).  It was a powerful, challenging and fun workout (as usual).  Afterwards I went with Leslie to Azalea park and we walked/jogged for 25 minutes.  There was MUCH more jogging than walking and I couldn't be more excited.  I've decided to REALLY do a 5K in February of next year.  We are going to continue our prep/training.  Leslie said she would run it with me.  What a friend.  I'm so blessed that God brought her into my life.  I feel completely empowered.  Tomorrow is my first new patient appointment with Dr. Eric Lewis.  I really feel as if things are coming together. 

Victory looks good on me!!!! 

PS.  As of today I'm down 43.3 pounds!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


So I'm back and forth with the same 2-3 pounds.  Water weight/hormones, indigestion, eating too little, eating too late????  I'm not sure what the cause but it's frustrating.  I'm ready to get back on track, keep losing and get through this digestive NIGHTMARE.  I have my first appt. with Dr. Lewis on Tuesday and I'm very glad.  Also I'm not sure how accurate the Wii Fit board is when I weigh.  I also know it depends upon the time of day, so I'm not too bummed out overall.  Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's not just about the numbers

Although I'm down a few more pounds (and extremely grateful) I'm in it for the long run.  I'm concerned with overall health and wellness.  That's why I'm so excited about Dr. Eric Lewis.  I had a free 15 minute consultation with him yesterday.  This appt. allowed me to get a greater understanding of nautropathic medicine and how holistic healing can be beneficial.  I have my first appt. with him on December 6th.  Being healthy is going to feel GREAT.  I'm looking forward to feeling good AND losing more weight.  What's the point of being thinner if I'm sick and weak?  That's why I don't just do cardio.  I'm building muscle so I can be a mighty woman of God.  I want to be strong inside and out.  I'll keep you posted as to my health goals/progress.  Today's weight was 243.6.  That's 42 pounds!!! 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

So today is a precious day filled with love, gratitude, family, friends, relationship and food.  All of these things are wonderful and should bring joy and peace.  However, so many years have gone by and at the end of the day I feel thankful, blessed and MISERABLE all at the same time.  For years I've overeaten on purpose, all the while knowing that I would feel badly later.  I've chosen to eat too many sweets, a second helping of everything (especially broccoli casserole) and just felt bloated, sore and guilty.  Instead of being grateful and happy I've been filled with unmet expectation, guilt and sadness about my obesity and love/hate relationship with food.

Today I'm grateful for food.  I'm thankful that I know how to eat "clean".  I am grateful that I don't have the desire or compulsion to overeat today.  All of those sweets, carbs and tempting treats hold no appeal for me today and I am so thankful.  I am down 39.6 pounds and am proud of that accomplishment.  Food is fuel.  End of story.  It isn't my comfort.  It isn't my friend.  It isn't a companion any longer.  Daily I work on eating less and eating more slowly.  Choices face me everyday as to what to eat, how to prepare food, etc. and I am so aware of God's guiding hand. 

This year I'm filled with knowledge, empowerment, and hope.  I am changing and it's hard.  I am thankful for sweat, running suicides, lifting weights, list could go on and on and on honestly.  Maybe I'll take some time to blog another entry of gratitude.  However, today I really wanted to capture how I was feeling about food and it's pull on me.  TODAY I don't feel it.  I pray that tomorrow and the next day and the next I feel the same. 

Wherever you are, whatever you eat, whomever you celebrate with...BE FREE.  Enjoy yourself.  Taste everything, but don't EAT it all.  Make wise choices and Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A new path...a better way

So I've come once again to a fork in the road of wellness.  Today's weight is 246.  That's a total loss of 39.6 pounds. 

I am having a consultation with Dr. Eric Lewis on Monday.  He is a natural health doctor.  This is something different for me, but I am quite excited.  I'm not sure if I will be able to afford the process or how it is all going to work out, but I won't know unless I go, huh???!!!  I am open to supplementation, I'm open to clean eating, I'm open to finding out the BEST way to heal my body and to make it completely healthy.  I also am looking at a product called Essentials by Akea and I've been approached about the Body by Vi challenge.  I have already visited Healthy Traditions and had a session with Kathy Stickler.  It feels good to be teachable.  I am reading anything I can get my hands on about health.  I am going to buy a new book this weekend "Eat Right for Your Blood Type". 

I am loving this journey I'm on and don't ever plan on going back to the "old" me.  I am moving better, I am eating better, I am feeling better than I ever have.  I am taking the high road, the road less traveled.  I'm walking AWAY from the "American Dream" and towards freedom, health and wholeness.  I'm walking in my purpose and calling and discovering the abundant life and it feels GREAT.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

"Disappearing Act"

So I've disappeared from the blogging world.  I'm sorry to ANY of you that waste your time following me...hahahaha!

I've been through something in the last few weeks that I want to share about, so I'm MAKING the time today.  I went to the ER on November 6th with stomach pain/pressure.  I was admitted after a CT scan of my abdomen/pelvis.  I was released after almost a 48 hour stay in the hospital.  The official diagnosis.......OBESITY (like I didn't know that), Gastritis w duodenitis, and a duodenal ulcer.  OUCH!!! 

I have been miserable since I came home although so VERY thankful that I am not experiencing the pain that I did in the hospital.  I really have NEVER experienced pain like that.  It was worse than giving birth to Joseph medication FREE.  I am thankful for delodid (if that's how you spell it). 

Since coming home I've followed docs orders.  I have also managed to lose 16.2 pounds.  Please hear me, I'm not complaining about the weight loss.  I'm not even complaining about the amount of food I'm eating now or the things I've had to give up dietary wise.  I just want to feel better overall.  There has to be a better way than pain, pressure, bloating and almost everything I'm eating coming up or out almost immediately.  I am going next week to call a naturopath and get some advice.  There simply has to be a better way. 

The holidays are approaching and I'm not even excited about cookies, hot chocolate, pumpkin pie, turkey, etc.  I just feel YUCKY!!!

So I'm open to suggestions, advice, teaching, instruction and something different than what I've been doing.  The most frustrating part is I've been changing my diet over the last year.  I do very little dairy.  I eat free range meats and mostly organic vegetables.  That's why I was so sad when I found out I was having stomach issues.  However, I'm not giving into discouragement.  I'm gonna press up and onward.

So today I weighed 247.5 that is a total loss of 38.1 pounds.

Thanks for reading,

Grateful but not 100%

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

On the Edge

So today I feel on the edge.  I'm not sure though whether it's jumping off the cliff into a beautiful, tropical pool and basking in the beauty of the waterfall OR if it's falling off the edge into a bottomless abyss.  I feel as if my wheels are spinning and I'm getting no where.  I'm struggling today with despair and feeling a wee bit despondent.

Why can't I get to the other side of this hurdle???

Friday, September 16, 2011

My Very First 5K

There was no starting pistol.  No people cheering me on at the finish line.  There was no number assigned or special jersey worn.  In fact there wasn't anyone or anything but me. 
Today I walked the Fall by the Tracks 5K route JUST to see if I could even do it.  I mean I haven't walked more than 2.5 miles in at least 5 years.  That is a sad fact, but true.  I've been walking regularly for the last several weeks and thought I could do it, but wanted to make it all the way without stopping.  Once I started I thought hey I can do this, but I hope I can do it in less than an hour and a half.  Well when I finished I looked at my stopwatch and I had walked 5K in 53 minutes. 

Now I am FULLY aware that this is a SLOW pace to joggers/runners.  I am aware that if I were actually to enter this race and complete it in this time I would be the LAST one across the finish line.  However, today it wasn't about that.  It was about being as strong as I could be and doing something new.  It was about pushing myself a little farther.  It was about visualizing myself doing something and completing it!!!! 

While on my walk I saw two things I can't wrap my mind around.....The beauty of God's creation and Disc Golf.  What's up with that sport????  Anywho..... I am thinking about entering this race officially, but it's only 17 days and I'm not sure I could shed enough time to not be embarrassed.  Leslie (my trainer) thinks I should give it a go, but I'm not sure.  There's always next year.  So anyway...I'm a happy girl.  I did it and I know it won't be the last time I walk 5K or MORE.  Have a great weekend. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

22 things I've Lost and Gained

So today I want to share with you something I've lost and gained with each pound I've shed.  I really do feel as if I've learned a lesson with each "four sticks of butter" lost.  FYI I've lost 88 sticks of butter...SHEESH!!!  I pray that you can be encouraged by my lessons learned "one pound at a time".

Things I've Lost:
1. My ability to make excuses about how I can't exercise.  "I'm too out of shape to workout" no longer cuts it....ESPECIALLY with Leslie Raper.  Thanks Leslie.  Really those words aren't enough!

2. My desire to eat food and lie about it.  Although I still struggle with this one( on RARE occasion) I, really don't think about going through the drive through at Taco Bell on the way home from running errands and not telling anyone.  In fact, I don't really think about Taco Bell at all anymore...YIKES.  That stuff is NASTY!!! Taco Bell makes you fat.   So fat you couldn't even "make a RUN for the border".  I don't want to go there ANY time soon.

3. Anything made out of knit or containing copious amounts of elastic have lost ALL appeal to me.  I love buttons, zippers and clothes that FIT.  Granted, I still haven't been able to replace my clothes yet, but someday.  Those items will no longer be in my drawers, closet, laundry and I will be GRATEFUL!!!

4. The desire to make excuses for my kids.  YES they can walk 2+ miles with me.  NO it isn't as fast as I would like.  NO they don't do it without complaining, BUT that day is coming.  Consequently, a goal of mine is for our ENTIRE family to do a 5K next year.  Can't you see us now with really cool shirts, sweating, laughing and having a GREAT time!!!????

5. My hate for "organic" foods and my thought that EVERYTHING labled organic is a marketing plea.  I don't buy everything organic, but I do what I can.  It is VERY hard on a budget for a family of seven.  No I don't wear all natural fiber clothing.  I don't have a household chlorine filter.  We don't use solar power, but we are learning daily in the Flint house to take care of our souls, minds, bodies, spirits and environment.
6. My need to blame other people for the size of my BUTT!!!  No it's not my kids fault that I gained weight with each pregnancy and never lost it.  No my mom didn't pass on a "fat gene".  Yes the "clean plate club" isn't healthy, but I made my own choicesI made my own poor decisions.  I consciously chose to allow my health and physical appearance to decline slowly over years.  I did this to myself.  It was selfish.  It sucks.  I struggle with guilt, shame and anger often, BUT I am free from the need to blame others.  I'm currently working on the gift of forgiveness extended to myself and learning to walk FREELY in my "new, improved, changing body". 
7.  My fear that it will ALWAYS be this way.  My anxiety that "this is as good as it gets".  I know now that THIS IS NOT TRUE!!! I am changing.  Every part of me is changing.  It's not just my waistline that's getting an overhaul.  From the inside out I'm becoming the woman God made me to be and it's a fabulously hard, overwhelming, challenging, encouraging journey of brokenness, pain, joy and success.
8. My pride.  Do you know how humbling it is to walk into a gym/personal training studio at approximately 130+ pounds more than a doctor recommend?  I have been humbled.  I thought I was talented, coordinated and able UNTIL....I encountered a bosu, a lunge, resistance bands, etc.  See one of my previous posts for more info on this subject.  YES I had to get over myself.  I had to put all of that aside to take my sorry, flabby, HUGE butt back to the gym.  Guess what, I'm not the only one who can't do the "Warrior Pose" perfectly or that looks at a truck tire and says "Oh I can't WAIT to flip that thing".  I have to get over myself a little EVERY time I workout.  I have to put aside my prideful thinking that I know what's best for myself.  I have to put aside my need to be right to adopt my need to be rightly taught.  Being on this journey is humbling.  Can I say that again?  Being FAT was the easy part.  Losing this fat is the hardest thing I've ever done.  Harder than being married.  Harder than mothering a child with autism or two sets of twins.  Harder than homeschooling.  Harder than learning to play a musical instrument.  By far the HARDEST thing I've ever done.  I like to succeed.  I like to excel.  I like to be first.  Well guess what....I'm not going to be first at this.  I'm probably going to be LAST, BUT I'm gonna finish and that what counts!!!

9. Obviously 22 pounds and several inches.  I haven't remeasured, but I can't wait to see my progress.  It is inspiring.  It is empowering.  It is FREEING!!!

10.  My need to succeed overnight.  Yes it is nice to see the scales move sometimes daily, BUT I really am becoming increasingly aware that losing this weight slowly is the RIGHT way.  I would like to be healthy, whole and happy in God's time NOT mine.  If that is a year from now WONDERFUL.  If it's shorter or longer, glory be to Him who has given me the power to complete my journey.

11. The need to give Nathan a hard time about sleeping.  I have learned that at least seven hours of sleep a night is important.  I also have re-learned the appreciation for a GOOD nap!!!

Things I've GAINED:
1. I've gained a deeper sense of trust.  This is trust in God, in myself and in others.  I TRUST that God is changing me.  I submit myself to this process and earnestly believe that I matter enough to Him to be changed from glory to glory.  I trust myself that I CAN do this.  My body will adapt to the stress I'm putting it under daily, and I CAN live on less calories or more calories in my case.  Yes FAT people actually cannot eat ENOUGH.  I also have learned to trust others.  I trust that Leslie isn't trying to systematically kill me or that she doesn't gain some sadistic pleasure by torturing me during workouts. I trust that she believes in my greater good and that she is there to help me.  I trust that people in my life support me, pray for me and want to see me succeed!!!

2. Personal Responsibility.  Guess what?  If I don't get my bootie off of the couch it's not going to get any smaller.  It's not about having a partner.  It's not about Nathan getting his act together and losing weight (although that's happening....PRAISE GOD).  It's about ME taking responsibility for my health.  Guess how junk food gets into the cart at the grocery store?  In my case sometimes kids put it there, sometimes I USED to put it there.  Ultimately though I was the one paying for the purchase.  I was the one saying "sure.  put that poison into your body".  I have to take responsibility, act like a grown up, be the parent, etc.  You catch my drift???

3. An appreciation for sweat :-).  I really do enjoy exercising.  If I miss a day I feel a little out of sorts, like something is missing.  I feel disappointed because I didn't have the opportunity to sweat.  No how odd is that?  I am learning to jog and hope to participate in a 5K next month.  I walk regularly and have hiked for the first time EVER.  I also am learning about interval training and using weights.  It's GREAT!

4. A deeper understand of the mind/body connection and ultimately the truth in the Scripture that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.  My God is so creative.  My God is so detail oriented and desires for us to have an abundant life.  I am learning that I really AM what I eat.  I want my body, mind, soul and spirit to bring glory to God!  I am learning that everything is connected and important.  I can't exercise but eat junk.  I can't eat right but not exercise.  I can't do both but not get enough sleep.  I need good posture, flexibility, serenity.  My body was designed to be strong and healthy.  I like learning more about this all!!

5. A sense of patience.  To become the woman I was created to be I must invest time.  I am learning that hard work DOES pay off, and that all good things come to those who WAIT!!!  I didn't get fat overnight.  I'm not going to get thinnER overnight.  Reality is where it's at.  Reality is where I want to stay.  Knowing what is going to happen and what isn't is so much better than staying in pretend, denial, la-la land.  Yes every meal counts.  Yes every ounce counts.  Yes every good nights sleep helps.  See the point.

6. The ability to forgive.  Although I am still working on this I know now more than ever the importance of forgiving.  This applies to others AND to myself.  The guilt, shame and bitterness that obesity carries with it is immense.  I am learning moment by moment to walk in freedom.  Daily I am faced with the choice to forgive others and myself and to make choices based out of my new, freedom mentality.  No processing forgiveness doesn't happen over a piece of cake or a Sonic Bacon Cheeseburger.  It happens by praying, fasting, journaling, crying out to God and stopping to really meditate on His forgiveness towards ME.  This is hard, but SOOOOO worth it.  Remember Matthew 6:15 "But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions."  I WANT to be forgiven.

7. The increasing awareness of the importance of organization and planning.  Once again a HARD area for me.  I am grateful for revelation and clear thinking.  I'm working diligently daily to learn how to plan meals, to plan shopping trips, to make schedules, to follow plans and guidelines, to prioritize, etc.  I fall short in this arena of life often, but I am picking myself back up and continuing to run the race. 

8. A sense of hope.  I was successful in losing weight before Joseph was born. Back in 2000 I lost close to 50 pounds.  I was 180 the day I found out I was pregnant with Joseph.  Since that attempt at weight loss I have never been successful.  I have failed and failed miserably.  Hopelessness, dread, anxiety, fear, disappointment, grief and other emotions have attached themselves to the journey of pursuing health and well-being.  However, now I FEEL HOPE.  There IS a light at the end of the tunnel.  Change is possible.  I can do this AND MORE.  I will lose weight.  I can be healthy.  No I won't be tiny.  I won't be THIN, but I can shop at regular stores.  I am learning to speak hope, life and positivity into my life and situation.

9. I have gained a greater understanding of God's presence.  I can call out to Him in the middle of a workout and know that He hears me.  I can bring ANY fear, problem, stress, desire, need to Him and know that He cares.  Prayer does work.  Talking to God isn't weird, odd or crazy.  It's real, beautiful, necessary.

10. A greater understanding that it's NOT all about me, but that I do matter.  I CAN take the time to workout.  I can work with a trainer even though it costs.  Buying workout clothes doesn't put my kids in jeopardy.  Making my kids walk with me daily isn't being a bad mom, it's being a GOOD one.  My health, well-being, mental stability matters to me, to my family and most importantly to GOD!!!

11. I have gained a more pure understanding of beauty.  This world is fallen and therefore it's sense of beauty is skewed.  What Hollywood, and NYC think as beauty is NOT the read deal.  If God thinks I'm beautiful and my husband finds me beautiful than I am a blessed woman.  I want my heart to be the prettiest heart I can have.  Sure I would love to turn my husband's head with my curves, but more importantly I want my husband to tell others of his helpmate.  Nathan needs to find beauty in the way i love him, serve him, give myself for him.  I'm learning.  I'm growing.  I'm changing and I'm becoming BEAUTIFUL!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


So thanks to Drew Jorgensen I have become quite a fan of walking/hiking in Montreat.  I have walked the gate path/Elizabeth's path three times in eight days and went on the Sanctuary/Julia Woodward trail once.  I can't wait to see more of God's creation in Montreat.  Nathan went with me today.  I think he enjoyed it.  However, I got stung by a yellow jacket twice and so now he is a tad bit hesitant to come back with me.  I'm praying he'll get over that.  It was a nice day for a walk and I feel so blessed to ahve shared that time with Nathan. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Back in the Saddle

So here I am...back in the saddle.  I've been working out with Leslie for a little over a month (2X/wk).  I've started focusing on CLEAN eating again and I'm loving the way I feel and the success I've FINALLY started to experience.  12/30/2010 I weighed 285 pounds.  Today I weighed 265.5.  Yes it's slow.  Yes I could have done more, but I AM STILL EXCITED.  For the VERY first time in any of my previous, pitiful attempts to lose weight, I feel HOPE. 

I have realized that there is no such thing as a "meal off" or a "day off".  Really, you just do or don't.  You HAVE to live this way all the time IF you want to really live and feel well.  I am honestly growing closer to the Lord throughout this journey also.  I know He made me wonderfully and fearfully.  I can experience "abundant" living when I follow His plan.  When I "offer my body as a living sacrifice" I have a MUCH better day.  I am learning the connection between body, spirit, mind, soul and I'm enjoying embracing ALL of who I am and who I am becoming.

Yesterday, I had a fabulous time ALONE.  That's a new one too.  Usually I fear being alone.  Usually, I want to be surrounded by people.  However, yesterday it was me, God, the water and a trail in Montreat.  I pushed myself.  It felt GREAT.  I sweated, I walked, I jogged and I enjoyed EVERY minute of it! For a brief moment in time I understood how people become runners.  I understood the joy of moving, of being outside, of LIVING.  I will forever be grateful for that time.  I pray that I have many more days, moments, opportunities such as that.

So here's to growing, changing, loving, living, moving, losing AND becoming.  Have a great day in Him!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Yesterday I Thought of You

Yesterday...I thought of you when I was doing jabs on the punching bag.

Yesterday...I thought of you when I was slamming a medicine ball.

Yesterday...I thought of you when I cried.

Yesterday...I thought of you when I overate.

Yesterday...I thought of you and almost gave up.

Yesterday...I thought of you when I got on the scale.

Today...I thought of ME when my jeans fit a little easier.

Today...I thought of ME when I decided to drink water instead of soda.

Today...I thought of ME when I journaled.

Today...I thought of ME when I realized that my life was more than my weight.

Today...I thought of ME when I once again was reminded my worth is found in my royal identity.  I'm a child of the KING. 

Today...I realized is just one day in the rest of my eternal destiny.

Today.......HIS MERCIES ARE NEW and so am I!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

WINTER Blues....

So obviously I haven't posted in more than a month. I would love to say "I'm sorry" as I usually do, far too often I might add. However, it simply is what it is. Our family has been hit with the "Winter Blues". All five children suffered with an upper respiratory virus and the last of us are currently recovering from a NASTY WICKED stomach virus. I am praying that Joseph and Jesse have been spared. Sickness, snow, school closings, baby sitter cancellations, Upward schedule conflicts, you name it have prevented me from continuing to Work with Leslie on a regular basis. Basically February was a BUST. I did join WW on Jan. 31st but have only lost one pound since my first weigh in with them. I am hoping to get back on the band wagon. Had joined a Monday meeting, but not sure that my babysitter can continue that time. Might have to switch to a Wednesday slot. I did get to work out on February 26th and March 2nd. It felt glorious (although I was more sore than I had EVER been). Praying that THIS week life will return to some sense of "normalcy" whatever that is for me.'s to continuing on a journey.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Gotta Get over that Hump

So I've been at 278.5 since January 3rd. Something has to GIVE!!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Band Wagon

I should research the history of the phrase "back on the bandwagon" or "I've fallen off of the wagon". Anywho :-)

I am excited to be back in a routine. We are working as a family today to clean, organize and declutter. It feels GREAT also I am using my new app on the Droid that I talked about "My Fitness Pal". I feel much better that most of the sweets are out of the house and no more celebrations to navigate.

This is going to be a GOOD year. I KNOW I can and will succeed. Have a good day.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Day

Welcome to 2011. I think this is going to be a wonderful year. I'm so excited about the opportunity to walk through this journey of weight loss. I really am. Although humbling, hard and embarssing at times it is going to bring me to a greater end. I don't have tomorrow. I don't have next week. I don't have a "goal". I have TODAY. Really that's all I have. Not that I can't look forward to things or dream. I just don't want to live in the future OR the past. I want to take today for what it is and LIVE.

May we ALL be blessed and LIVE healthy,
