I'm not talking about the reality show. I'm talking about the 5K that I participated in yesterday. It was amazing for many reasons. It was a race celebrating adoption. I am so grateful that my family was blessed to foster 27 children in 8+ years with Bethany Christian Services. This was a learning experience that I value as a person, Christian, wife and mother. My youngest brother Tyler was adopted on his first birthday. It's been a difficult journey for him and there might be times that he wishes his life had turned out differently (many 19 year olds do), but I do think overall he's very glad to have been adopted into the Morgan family. Yesterday was also powerful for me as I contemplated, meditated upon the promise and joy of having been adopted into the family of God. Jew and Gentile alike have a place in His heart. Forever I will be in awe of His grace to me.
There was another reason that yesterday was so special. As my mother, husband and some of the dearest friends a gal can have waited at the finish line for me to cross I also knew that somewhere on that course was my sister-in-law, Nathalie, my oldest brother, Greg, my father, and my three oldest children. How is it that I could be so blessed? Although I did not make my personal goal of 38 minutes I did beat the time from my first race in February. I completed my 5K in 40 minutes 32 seconds. This picture is of me running back to get Jesse and JoyAnn as they finished the race with their Uncle Greg in an hour!!!
Joseph and my Dad were the VERY last people to cross the line. The clock had already been stopped and awards were being given. However, it didn't matter to me. I ran back to help him across the line. No cameras were present but my heart will always remember that moment. This was a BIG deal for a kid on the autism spectrum who abhors physical exertion. He finished something he started and did it without complaining. What a trooper. I am so thankful that my Dad stayed steady with him and helped him see this through until the finish.
I ran across that line confidently, knowing I had done my best. I kept a steady pace at 160bpm. It wasn't until later that day that my sis-in-law, Nat, noticed that a friend of hers that had participated in the race posted using "Map My Run". Her GPS on her smart phone actually mapped the course at 3.42 miles. Interesting.....huh???? Regardless, I enjoyed myself and am completely hooked on running. Although my newly "crunchy" knee might need some Biofreeze and a support when running.
It was a peaceful, rewarding day and I was completely blessed by my husband and children. My entire family really overwhelmed me with love. Spending time with my nephews, friends, family was a joy. Praise be to God that gives me the grace to run the truly AMAZING race mentioned in Phil. 3:12-14 "Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
Happy Mother's Day to anyone reading this that falls into that category :-).
Blessings to you ALL!
Rock on, You!!!!!! Way to go. It's all that nourishing co-op food that is making the difference. HA! <3