Thanksgiving and other holidays are usually celebrated by partaking LOTS of food. At least that's how it's done in the Morgan/Flint households. These foods are often starchy, sweet, sticky, gooey, crunchy, fried, flaky, fatty, and abundant. Not that "fun" food is a bad thing. It's just that usually I end up eating WAY TO MUCH of it. I wish that Americans didn't put as much emphasis on "holiday foods". Oh and one Thanksgiving dinner isn't So today is Thanksgiving dinner #2. I must admit that last Thursday I wasn't very "good". I ate more than I should have. I ate foods that weren't healthy. I even had dessert(s). The fellowship was sweet, but my body told me that it didn't like what I had put in it or how much. I was almost immediately sorry for my choices. That felt good even at the same time of feeling badly. It meant to me that I wanted to eat differently.
I am learning new habits. I am displacing old thought patterns. I am purposing to be a healthy, whole version of my current self. I am embracing knowledge, change and FREEDOM. So just as God's Word says in Lam. 3:22-23(NLT) "The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning." I am believing that today is another chance to try again. My family is in from out of town to celebrate. My prayer is that I will enjoy their company and our conversation will be graced with the presence of the Lord. My contributions to the dinner will be quinoa (see previous post..hahaha) and organic mashed potatoes (butter cream variety). It will be a wonderful day.
I am thankful that God has allowed my eyes to be opened to the need to change. I have known for YEARS that I need to change. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to look in the mirror and see that I'm fat or when I walk a few flights of stairs I'm winded. What I mean is that the eyes of my spirit have been opened to my need for help from my Savior AND from friends and family to encourage me in this realm of change. He brought me to my lowest point last month to make me realize something has to give. Maybe I'll blog about that too. Nevertheless, fat, winded, humbled, overwhelmed yet HOPEFUL I will bring myself to the table and ENJOY Thanksgiving with my family.
Thanking God for healthy food,
Having started a journey to fitness of my own, I know what you are saying, sister! The Lord has been gracious to allow me to live with my bad, horrible choices; and now to move me on the something better. It is exciting, really...